伊藤先生と田口くん(D2)が,香港で開催された16th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON XVI) に参加しました。会場:香港中文大学
16th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry(2017.7.9-13. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
IL39 ○Hajime Ito
「Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Borylative Dearomatization: New Pathway to Optically Active Heterocyclic Compounds」(Oral)
(発表日:2017.7.13. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)【招待講演】
OC26 ○Jumpei Taguchi, Toshiki Ikeda, Ikuo Sasaki, Jeffrey W. Bode, Hajime Ito
「Concise Synthesis of Acylboronates by Ozonolysis of Alkenylboronates」(Oral)
(発表日:2017.7.11. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)